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Selectmen Minutes 03/20/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 20, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Motion made by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman MacCleery, to nominate Selectman Colbert as the new Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  The roll call vote was 3 yes, 0 opposed.  Motion carries.

SUBJECT: 55+ Community- Pleasant Street  
PRESENT: Mr. Brandon Guida, Mr. Frank Merrill

Mr. Guida and Mr. Merrill are concurrently proposing subdivisions on abutting parcels of land, scheduled to go before the Planning Board (as two separate projects) for approval in May.  Mr. Guida is proposing 38 new lots and Mr. Merrill is proposing 18 – 20 new lots.  Mr. Guida posed to the Selectmen his and Mr. Merrill’s desire to combine the projects for ease to the town in accepting and enforcing the development declarations and any road issues pertaining to traffic and the number of entrances/exits onto the existing town road, if the Board of Selectmen would enter into an agreement, allowing each of the developers to retain the ten permits a year (as allowed under elderly housing) as would be if they were two separate subdivisions.  The common land ends up being common to both subdivisions, phasing may be needed, it will be necessary to build the entire road first should the project become one.  The Board will take this issue under advisement and reply to Mr. Guida and Mr. Merrill prior to their May meeting with the Planning Board.

SUBJECT: Interest in purchasing town property
PRESENT: Mr. Eric Krochmal

Mr. Krochmal expressed his interest to the Board in purchasing the abutting piece of property presently owned by the town, identified as map 4, lot 48.  What process if any does the town use to sell such property. In the past, the Board has utilized the sealed bid process.

The Selectmen will first inquire with the Conservation Commission to see if they are interested in acquiring this parcel.  If not, the Selectmen’s Office will begin the process for sealed bid and keep Mr. Krochmal apprised of the status.

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BOS minutes
March 20, 2007

SUBJECT: Approval of Official Copy of Zoning
PRESENT: Mr. Chris Weir  

Chris handed out the final version of the zoning ordinances as corrected and reviewed by the Planning Board.  A procedure going forward was discussed as it pertains to establishing a system for checks and balances, approval by the Board of Selectmen and protocol for record storage and future editing as a result of changes proposed on future ballots.  Mr. Weir supplied the town with a computer disk which contains the master file.  It was agreed that the Town Clerk’s Office, which is responsible for maintaining all of the town records, shall be the office where the original is kept.  The Board of Selectmen directed the Administrator to prepare a signature page for acceptance as the official copy.  The Administrator will comprise a procedure outlining the responsibilities and maintenance of this document for approval by the Board. The Administrator will also send a memo to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment, informing them of the Board’s decision and instructing everyone to destroy any and all old copies they might have.  


Selectman MacCleery mentioned he had received a phone call regarding the fire department vehicles traveling over the posted town roads.  Selectman MacCleery informed the caller, the town vehicles were exempt.  Mr. Matt Cole who was in the audience, informed the Board that the department was doing driver and drafting pit training on Hilliard Road.

Alternatives were discussed by the Board.  The Selectmen directed the Administrator to send a memo to the fire department, requesting department vehicles stay off the posted roads unless they are responding to a call and suggesting that training either take place at the water sources on Rte 4 or rescheduled once the roads are no longer posted.

The Board signed appointment papers for several boards and committees filling vacancies and or positions that were scheduled for election or re-appointment.  Selectman DeBold made the motion to limit appointment forms to the statutory boards and committees only and to instruct all other committees that a member list must be kept current and on file.  Chairman Colbert seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The Board reviewed once again, the abatement request submitted buy 763 Second Street, LLC, for the property doing business as Kosmos Pizza. Motion Selectman DeBold to grant the abatement to 763 Second Street, LLC for property located at 99 Dover Road.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

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BOS minutes
March 20, 2007

A discussion took place regarding a more efficient process for handling the weekly correspondence. The Selectmen decided to develop a standard response letter sent by the office, acknowledging receipt of the correspondence and the status of the inquiry.  Also, the Board directed the Administrator to cull through the general mail and categorize by priority, what needed a response from what was general information, solicitations or monthly publications.  Items not needing attention or response will now be kept in a general mail file on a monthly basis.  The Board will review as time warrants.

At this time, the Board wished to review and discuss the unapproved minutes of the non-public sessions that were held on March 6 and March 8, 2007.

Motion made by Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91:A -3, ll ( c ) in which matters discussed in public would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person.  The Chairman called for the vote.  DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes; Colbert - yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session.  The Chairman called for the vote.   DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes; Colbert - yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of ten (10) years.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Selectman DeBold was instructed to contact town counsel for clarification and wording prior to the Board’s acceptance of the action taken as a result of the findings rendered involving the purchase at Federal Surplus.  

The Board reviewed and approved the proposed payroll increases voted at town meeting for the Road Agent and the Town Administrator.  Department Heads have the authority to approve the voted increases for their subordinates.  All increases are effective April 1, 2007.  

The alleged zoning violation for Meyer’s RV was again reviewed. Research has proven that approval for the project, which listed the lighting requirements and the lighting fixtures, existed prior to the lighting ordinance. An employee for Meyer’s has stated to the Board that no new fixtures were added; only bulbs were replaced.  The Board determined the only relief available to the homeowner was to go before the Board of Adjustment for obnoxious use.  A letter of the Boards findings will be sent to both parties.

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BOS minutes
March 20, 2007

The Board discussed a request from the cleaning contractor to resume a monthly schedule of cleaning for the main hall.  The Board denied this request and will continue on an as needed basis.  Once again, the concern for the care and maintenance of the grange was discussed.  The Board will consider rescinding the use of the main hall for social functions and or requiring a custodian is present during all functions at the cost of the renter.  The Administrator was asked to compile a list of expenses/damages that have occurred as a result of public use.  

Mr. Twomey’s letter regarding permission for placement of political signs was addressed.  Lisa will draft a letter of response to Mr. Twomey.

The fire alarm systems at the Library, Grange Hall and Community Building are not functioning properly.  This was discovered during the power outage a number of weeks ago when power was out for an extended period of time.  Lisa has contacted Capital Fire Alarm to service the systems.  The cost for services contained a quote to upgrade the systems in all three buildings.  The Board approved the cost of repairs only and agreed to place the upgrade in the budget for next year. The Library Trustees decide what option they will take for the library.

The planning office was denied a further extension for cleaning.  The Board will discuss options at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

The Board made a final review and adopted the Computer Policy as written.  Lisa will copy and distribute to all employees, and boards or committee members who access/use the town’s computers.  

Lisa was directed by the Board to schedule appointments with those interested in filing vacancies for the budget committee and planning board.  Lisa will contact the conservation commission for suggestions they may have to fill the vacancy on the commission.

The Board instructed Lisa to leave a solid block of time available on next week’s agenda to allow the Board to discuss at length the Interim Fire Chief appointment.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens/Administrator

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
_________________________    ________________________    __________________   
David Colbert, Chairman              Richard DeBold                          Stephen MacCleery